BULLET, ARE YOU OKAY?!! Read about what happened to my poor dog and send him the love and support he may need.

Day 11:
I woke up just ten minutes before I had to log onto my first period class. I hurriedly got dressed and refreshed myself as I was clicking into my French zoom link. As I sat through class, my parents were cooking some food, and my brother was opening up his laptop to begin his school day. It's going to be a great day! I reminded myself.
Oh, how I was terribly wrong.
Next, I had Social Studies where we continued our topic on the Renaissance. I played a game called Kahoot! in Science, which is basically a collaborative ‘quiz’ that you play with your classmates and compete to win. Plus, I ate some batata poha (a delicious mixture of onions, potatoes, spices, and flattened rice).
Like all days, Music was succeeding, and I enjoyed it. Finally, I had Language Arts, and we reviewed how to analyze quotes for our upcoming test on Monday. I hope it is not too bad!
During my lunch break, I completed most of my assignments due later that evening, and felt pretty ahead of myself. It feels good to have your work completed.
We started to drive around this time, and we were off to central Texas!
While beginning to drive, Bullet was oddly pacing back and forth through the vehicle. He was circling around suspiciously. What's the matter?
I pet and comforted him a bit and he laid down on the floor and dozed off.

As I got back into ‘school’ I went to math class and reviewed for our end-of-unit test. We studied together in breakout rooms that the teacher assigned, but luckily I got put with some of my friends!
At last, I packed up my school items, I went up to my bed and slept for what seemed like twenty minutes, but was actually a couple of hours!
I awoke, startled as my mom said we were approaching an animal hospital. Something was terribly wrong with Bullet. I was told that my parents took him out about a half hour before, at a rest area. He was walking on a ledge about four feet high and had fallen down badly! Bullet was walking with a gnarly limp on his front, right shoulder. He kept whimpering as the vehicle was coming to a stop.
The emergency room was only a ten minute drive from our KOA in Abilene, Texas which was something I could appreciate during this hard time. I was scared for Bullet, and I couldn't stand how much pain he must have been in. I hope he's going to be okay.
We gave him to the hands of some experience and stepped back. We were told we had to leave him overnight so they could run scans on him to check for broken bones and make sure nothing else was hurt. The next morning was when another doctor was going to come in who would be certified to prescribe medicine if Bullet were to need it.
I was devastated. Did this mean we were going to have to cut our trip short? More importantly, was Bullet going to be alright?
We hooked up at our KOA in Texas, and everyone was starving, so we ate some pasta. The food was amazing and nourishing, but nobody could eat in peace knowing how much Bullet might be going through. We would get a call the next morning updating us on his condition.
As I shut my eyes, I dreamed of Bullet never getting hurt…oh how I hoped it was reality.